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Spread HOPE to the people of Eswatini 

What is the mission of Heart For Africa ? 
Our mission is defined by the inspiring word HOPE and its spread to the people of Eswatini, a southern country of Africa. Eswatini is the last absolute monarchy of Africa in which living conditions are terrible for the majority of the population, we are talking about 70% of the population living below the national poverty line and over half the population are orphans and vulnerable children.The goals of the club refers to each letter of the word HOPE :
1) fighting HUNGER
2) caring for ORPHANS 
3) decrease POVERTY 
4) provide EDUCATION 
This mission will not be fulfilled alone, the club tooks its origins from the already implemented non profit organization “Heart for Africa (Canada)”. We will work as two entities in correlation to increase the results in Eswatini. 
How will the club contribute to this mission ?
1) Raise awareness within student community 2) Raise funds and donations  

Heart for Africa : Welcome !


I am Anaïs Mesbah, a political science student that seeks to make a world a better place through humanitarian aid. It’s a cause I am passionate about, since I had the chance to live in South Africa and felt on a daily basis the strong inequalities. I raised an interest in human rights in Africa, that I was looking to pursue in University. “Heart for Africa” is my way of sharing with you all the great opportunities Africa has to offer and how us students, can change things for good.  

Heart for Africa : About us
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